Helpful How To: Use The Renault Easy Link Sat-Nav System.

In this helpful 'how to' series, we will show you some of the best tips for maintaining your vehicle and helping you on your journey.

The on-board Renault Easy Link system uses Google Maps to provide detailed, 3D information about more than 100 million destinations! Using the Sat-Nav system is easy, but if you are unsure or it is your first time, simply follow our simple guide!


1. Turn on the Renault Easy Link system.

2. Tap the Search bar and search for a destination.

3. Tap the desired destination and the maps will load.

4. Tap 'Go' to begin the navigation

5. A route preview will appear and a 10 second timer will countdown to begin navigation.

6. The navigation has begun!

7. For more options, tap the 'three dots' on the bottom left side of the screen.

8. To view navigation options, tap the 'Navigation menu' button at the bottom of the screen.

9. If you are unsure, contact us today to find out more!